The Port Authority has asked us to remind drivers on Bland Street that the streetcar is bigger than you and is not likely to swerve to avoid you. Furthermore, recent labor issues have made many of our professional drivers very grumpy.

The Ladies’ Quilt, Throw, and Afghan Society will be distributing free hand-made blankets to the homeless this coming Saturday at 11 a.m. in the basement of the Senior Center. Any homeless persons in need of a blanket will be given one absolutely free, on the condition that they will take the blanket out of Blandville and go sleep in Dormont or some such place.

The Department of Public Works has run out of road salt, and there is no money in the budget to order more until the fall. Please be especially careful out there, as budget difficulties have also forced the city to cancel its liability insurance.

A community planning meeting will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. to plan the upcoming community planning meeting.

Mrs. Ramp over on Breckenridge Avenue has asked us to remind all pedestrians not to dawdle on the sidewalk in front of her house, as it makes her dog bark, and she does not like it when her dog barks. In case it might serve as some motivation for you all to pick up the pace, she has asked us to point out that her dog is a Great Dane with anger-management issues.