I met a fellow just the other day
Whose mind works in the very oddest way.
I happened to describe the sky as blue,
Which seemed to put him in an awful stew.
“Nonsense!” he said. “The sky is pink.
The sun is green. The sea is yellow.
The grass is red. What’s more, I think
You are a most annoying fellow.”
I must confess, his answer wasn’t quite
What I expected. Still, to be polite,
I changed the subject, and made some remark
Of which the gist was that his hair was dark.
“Nonsense!” he said. “It’s pale chartreuse.
My hat is puce; my coat is rose;
I’ve salmon pants and purple shoes.
Now go before I punch your nose.”
And so I left him. Later on I told
The story to a friend who’s wise and old.
“He says,” I told her, “that the sky is pink,
And that the grass is red. What do you think?”
“Nonsense!” she said. “It’s snow that’s pink.
The sand is red, but grass is yellow.
The sky is orange. What’s more, I think
You are a most annoying fellow.”