Dumont Network: Takedown Notice (crime drama). A fast-paced new drama focusing on the heroic self-appointed enforcers of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Tonight: Dirk and Moira are horrified to discover that the infamous “Dragon Lady” blogger who posted five tracks from the unreleased Odious Daughters album is hosted on a Chinese server.
The Brimstone Channel: The Jesus Show, with the Reverend Bob-Bob Lee (religion). Tonight: The Rev. Bob-Bob explains how the current economic troubles were actually prophesied in 1 Chronicles 4:36.
Northern Broadcasting System: Stones of the City (crime drama). This latest entry in the vampire-building-inspector genre follows the adventures of Sam Ionescu, inspector for the city of Washington (Penna.). Tonight: Sam is called to investigate at the Luna Park funhouse—unaware that the trouble is in the Hall of Mirrors.
Metromedia: Al ’n’ Me (comedy). The wacky adventures of best buddies Alexander and Hephaestion as they look for new worlds to conquer. Tonight: Who’s going to tell Al that he’s got spinach stuck between his teeth? Certainly not Hephaestion.
Golf Network: The Golf Show (golf). Tonight: How a really loud check pattern can improve your distance and accuracy.
Baldwin Borough Community TV: Baldwin Borough Council Meeting (public affairs). Tonight: Debate on bailing out the Merchants & Usurers State Bank, whose president will go bankrupt if he has to pay all those parking tickets.
Wolf Broadcasting Corporation: Fries with That (reality). The hot new reality show that takes ten new college graduates, puts them in dead-end jobs, and leaves them there forever. Tonight: Fernando discovers a new chemical that repels dirt like magic and keeps an automotive finish looking fresh for decades, and his boss at the car wash kills him.
The Lawnmower Channel: The Reel Thing (yardwork). A nostalgic look back at the days before powered lawn mowers, and a visit to one eccentric who still uses a mechanical mower today.
Science Central: Science Now (documentary). Tonight: “The Higgs Boson.” A live broadcast of services from St. Maxwell’s Cathedral, featuring a homily by Bishop Michelson Morley Smith of the First Church of the Higgs Boson in Point Breeze.