


  1. Jeff says:


    I had been laboring under the delusion that Freddie the Firefly came to a bad end during last year’s Bravado Festival, but I see, now, that he is alive and well — well, probably not entirely well — and thriving, no doubt, on the lentil soup for which he became famous before sinking into the morass of self-immolation and drink that landed him in so much cold water in the first place.

    This is very good news indeed, for I believe Mr. Firefly is the rightful heir to the throne, which I intend to abrogate immediately after lunch. It should come as no small surprise that my scepter will remain with me, along with the vial of soup I had prepared for my journey to the underworld. Nevertheless, I fully intend to ease the transition with all the gusto and Vim at my disposal, for this (I believe I mentioned it before) is very good news indeed.

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