IN HONOR OF World Homeopathy Awareness Week, Dr. Boli reprints a few articles and advertisements that deal with this fascinating alternative to medicine.


Ask Dr. Boli.

Dear Dr. Boli: I have a small splinter in my toe, and my friends recommended digging it out with a sterilized needle. That sounds like it would hurt. I was wondering: Is there a non-invasive homeopathic remedy for splinters? —Sincerely, A Man with a Splinter in His Big Toe, Specifically the Left One.

Dear Sir: Dr. Boli is not a doctor of homeopathy, but he has consulted with a number of well-known homeopaths who prefer to remain anonymous. This is the answer they provided.

First, it is important to determine whether the splinter is a wood splinter. We shall assume that it is; but if it is a splinter of something else–glass or ceramic, for example–then please write again and give more specific details.

As homeopathy operates on the principle that whatever in measurable quantities causes a symptom will in infinitesimal quantities cure the same, the homeopathic remedy for a wood splinter is, of course, sawdust highly diluted. The dilution must be in inverse proportion to the size of the splinter; for, as homeopathic remedies are stronger the more they are diluted, it should be plain to the veriest tyro that a larger splinter will require a stronger and therefore greater dilution. For an average splinter, a 15C dilution of sawdust is recommended.

It goes without saying that you should not attempt to manufacture this dilution yourself. Even if you could provide the properly sterile distilled water and the necessary measuring equipment, there are certain incantations which, without going into any detail, Dr. Boli’s homeopathic consultants have darkly hinted are required in order to render the remedy effective.

Dr. Boli’s correspondents asked him to remind you that homeopathic remedies may take some time to work through your system to the big toe, the time depending in particular on the strength and magnetic orientation of your vital force. Should infection set in, remind yourself that what allopaths call “infection” is in fact nature’s way of dealing with an interruption to your body’s perfect health. Should the infection progress, Dr. Boli’s correspondents have pointed out that amputation is an entirely natural and drug-free alternative to homeopathy.

Dr. Boli’s Press-Clipping Bureau.

Ask Dr. Boli.

Dear Dr. Boli: How are homoeopathic treatments for malaria prepared?—Sincerely, HRH The Prince of Wales.

Dear Sir: As mosquitoes are the primary cause of malaria, homoeopathic remedies and preventatives for malaria are naturally made from mosquitoes in highly diluted form. One or two mosquitoes suffice to produce an entire year’s supply of homeopathic treatments for the whole continent of Africa, the remedies being for the most part produced by a number of private laboratories in Lagos. The mosquito is ground in a tiny mortar with an even tinier pestle, and the extract added to a certain quantity of distilled water, a small portion of which is then diluted again in a greater quantity of distilled water, and so on until a 13C or greater dilution is achieved. The dilution is only half the battle, however, as homeopathic principles also require that the solution be subject to succussion, or shaking up. This is achieved by pouring the solution into a number of hollowed-out balls and allowing the natives to play cricket with them. After everyone has enjoyed a rousing game, the balls are collected and emptied, and the solution sold in compounding pharmacies all over Africa.

Note that this preparation will not in fact either prevent or cure malaria. It does, however, provide priceless entertainment to the natives, many of whom have advanced degrees in science and have never seen anything so silly.



  1. Dr.M.Rizwan Ali says:

    “scientific fundamentalism terrorising the progressive homeopathy”

    science is charectarised by constant progress,moving more closer to truth or mystreis of nature step by step.In science a old outdated,misfit theory is replaced by a more accurate & relevent one.Inspite of this, scientific community accepts changes & corrections with great difficulty & resistence. Albert Einstein, who less than a century ago completely shook the foundations of the vision of the universe, the concepts of gravity, space and time, concepts which were strongly rooted in the scientific world, since the time of Euclid and Newton. Yet, as always happens in these cases, he was not believed by the scientific community of his time. similarly homeopathy which contradict some of the scientific concepts of present generations is not believed by present scientific community. As we all know&condemn religious fundamentalism as an antithesis of broader,progressive thinking in the same way this “scientific fundamentalism” is equally blind which act as hurdle in using the benefits of disciplines which are highly usefull & gift to humanity but differ from present scientific concepts.these “blind scientific fundamentalist forces” are totally unscientific as they defy the true scienctific spirit of open senses,proressive ideas & an attitude of changing for the better.

  2. Dr.M.Rizwan Ali says:

    while conducting research or trials in homeopathy researchers should keep in mind different homeopathic concepts & design our trials accordingly wrong methodology ignoring the basic structure of homeopathy will give inaccurate results. sadly this has been the case with homeopathy till now. like homeopathy is highly individualised, though many pts suffering from same disease they are given different medicines based upon thier constitutional peculiarities,mental & emotional peculiarities,past medical history during trials if u give same drug based upon conventional diagnosis it will give inaccurate results.In homeopathy as i mentioned before there is no specific medicine for a given pathological condition so a homeopath each time has to select a appropriate,unique drug for each & every pt based upon his unique symptomatology(its like discovering a new drug for a given pt suitable to his unique constitution) after detailed case taking & analysis so in homeopathy role of a homeopath is very crucial & results changes with skill & experience of homeopath involved in trials.another point i want to make here is what type pts u select in trials is very important here according to homeopathy long term use of conventional drugs,type of pathology,family history,level of vitality etc determine the prognosis & pts during trials should be selected keeping in mind all these homeopathic concepts.most of the trials in homeopathy violate many of these crucial norms & trails in homeopathy so far not conducted in sophisticated manner because of lack of funding. plz refer in homeoathy guidelines & a recent study has shwn homeopathic drugs in high dilutions are effective on cancer cells refer if u want to terrorise homeopathy do it in scientific way first know the fundamentals of homeopathy only law of similars is not the homeopathy dont argue in such cheap manner by disgracing yourself.

    • RepubAnon says:

      There’s no such thing as “scientific fundamentalism” – there’s science, and there’s religion.

      In science, one must be willing to discard theories and/or hypotheses that are contradicted by facts.

      In religion, one discards inconvenient facts if they contradict your faith-based theoretical system. (Usually with shouts of HERESY!)

      Thus, someone saying that homeopathy is worthless because they feel it contradicts our current understanding of biology is in effect making a religious argument, not a scientific one.

      On the other hand, I haven’t seen any double-blind studies showing the effectiveness of homeopathy for treating given conditions, rendering it at best an unproven hypothesis.

      I should also note that evidence showing that something works doesn’t prove the underlying hypothesis – the experiment must also rule out other possible causes, such as the placebo effect, or possible stimulation of antibody production by a patient’s immune system. If I have a hypothesis that the sun won’t rise tomorrow unless I say “Sun, rise tomorrow” – and I test it by saying “Sun, rise tomorrow” – the next day’s dawn does not prove my hypothesis is true in all respects. (Testing the “null hypothesis” by refusing to repeat the magic phrase is more useful, especially if the sun then refuses to rise the next day.)

      So, absent any evidence supporting the underlying hypotheses of homeopathy to the exclusion of other, well-tested tenets of biological science – belief in homeopathy appears more faith-based than evidence based.

  3. Nancy Malik says:

    Real is scientific homeopathy. Evidence-based modern homeopathy medicine for everyone

  4. sarahwalder says:

    I feel it is time for a more advanced research model. The truth about Homeopathy lies in a research model which disables such an individualized action modlaity to be proven effective or ineffective.
    I have seen homeopathy work with myself and others even before I believed in its ability to function.

    Let’s find a more advanced way to test and then begin this discussion again. Science is all about moving forward so let’s stop fighting amongst one another when all we all want is the truth.

    The truth as I see it at this point is:
    – Homeopathy has not yet been aptly proven or disproven by scientific data.
    – People who visit homeopaths are getting better. We can see this through the many case studies.
    – We need a more advanced method to aptly test this modality.

    • RepubAnon says:

      Sounds like a good science fair project. This isn’t mockery, either – people used to dismiss drinking foxglove tea for dropsy as an unscientific “folk cure” until someone took a look and discovered that it worked. Further investigation showed the active ingredient was a chemical we now know as digitalis.

      The first thing to establish would be whether people visiting homeopaths get better at a rate differing from that of the untreated population, and whether that rate was statistically significant. (May be higher, may be lower…)

      We already know that the placebo effect is quite powerful, so that needs to be ruled out as well.

      Next, it’d be nice to look at a single disease and a single cure. As we learn more about, say, cancer, we find that what looks like one disease can have many different underlying causes producing similar symptoms, and what cures one may not work against another. (Think H1N1 flu vaccine… test it against some other flu strain, it may not work at all)

  1. […] DR. BOLI WAS delighted to discover that a number of homeopaths were attracted to his articles for World Homeopathy Awareness Week, and that some of them left comments that can only be described as original treatises on the […]

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