YOU CAN AVOID the pointless drudgery of weighing everything you eat by comparing portions to common household objects.

Cheese: One ping-pong ball

Sauerkraut: Half a golf club

Water: A small fax machine

Spinach: The carburetor of a 1934 DeSoto Airflow

Butter: One lump of butter

Beef: 1/482 of a cow

Pasta (cooked): A stapler

Fruit Jelly: One of the fruit from which it is made, minus a gross of “falcon” steel pens

Dinner Roll: One dinner roll

Fish: One volume of the 1834 edition of Isaac Disraeli’s Curiosities of Literature

Potato: One hamburger


  1. gunlaw says:

    Curiosities of Literature was published in 2 volumes in 1794 not 1834

    • Dr. Boli says:

      Isaac Disraeli’s great work was enormously popular; there were two series and multiple editions, each with additions and revisions. A six-volume edition was published in London in 1834. There was also a five-volume edition published in Boston the same year, but this is (of course) illegitimate, since there was then no copyright agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. It is therefore the London edition that should be used to measure portions of fish.

  2. gunlaw says:

    40 years between my edition of 1794 and yours of 1834! Weights of measure themselves being measured over 40 years. Sounds fishy to me.

  1. […] NOVEMBER, we learned how to avoid the pointless drudgery of measureing everything we eat with Eyeball Portion Sizes. November also saw the publication of Dr. Boli’s Encyclopedia of Misinformation, bringing […]

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