The Greater Blandville Creative and Performing Arts High School’s Rap Department presents Verdi’s Aida, Saturday at 7 p.m. in the main auditorium.

All this weekend, the Western Pennsylvania Model Canal Society will be offering free tours of its quarter-acre HO-scale model of the Western Division Canal in the basement of the Consolidated Receipt Co. building.

The Department of Environmental Services will be holding its annual Recycling and Reuse Fun Fair Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. All of last year’s exhibits will be on display again.

Third Reel Films is looking for sixteen real zombies to work as extras. Anyone who works in a cubicle is invited to audition Saturday afternoon at 2:45.


  1. Clay Potts says:

    Read, The Crimes of Galahad!

    Book Review: The Crimes of Galahad, By Dr. Boli:

    The finest example of Nineteenth Century American Literature to have ever come ashore during the Twenty-first Century! Sure to be a Classic – Wicked Good!

  2. Sean says:

    Sir, you shouldn’t jest about such things. I would gladly spend several days at that canal exhibit.

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