


  1. kyp says:

    This company does great work; a short drive brings me to the aptly named “Only Waunakee in the World” or the internationally acclaimed “Sun Prairie: Groundhog Capital of the World” (the latter being now inaccurate, as local forecaster Jimmy and his family were exiled in the Perjurious Groundhog Purge that also claimed Phil). I’m excited to see the potential for growth that Fitchburg will soon experience with its radical rebranding: “You Can Totally Almost See Madison From Here, and it’s Like a Ten Minute Drive, Max.”

  2. As a slogan for Utopia, Texas, I humbly suggest, “There’s no place like Utopia!”

    Jeffery Hodges

    * * *

  3. Clay Potts says:

    “Pittsburgh, when you look this cool in shades, who needs the sun?”

  4. Chicago has more slogans than it knows what to do with.

    Urbs in Horto (City in a Garden) is on its official seal. So “Horto in Urbs” (Garden in a city) is the official motto of the Chicago Park District.

    “I will” is its official city motto, sometimes expressed as “I will — The Spirit of Chicago”. They put the latter version on L/subway cars during the bicentennial celebrations, but haven’t bothered with it much since then.

    “The City That Works” and “The City of Broad Shoulders” are two of its semi-official nicknames that double as semi-official mottoes. “The Windy City”, “Hog Butcher to the World”, and “The Second City” are deemed to have too many unsavory undertones or associations to be given much official support.

    So if any other towns/cities/etc. are in such dire need of a slogan that you’re looking into cheap second-hand ones, I’m sure Chicago would like to plug its budget deficit hole by unloading a few of its surplus slogans.

  5. Dr. Boli says:

    If Dr. Boli met an official from the Chicago Parks District, he would find it difficult to restrain himself from shouting “Hortus in urbe! Hortus in urbe!” This is why Dr. Boli always delegates his secretary to deal with bureaucrats.

  6. Stuart Buck says:

    According to Wikipedia, Baltimore’s slogans have included “The Greatest City in America”,
    “Get in on it,” “The city that reads,” and

  7. Stuart Buck says:

    For an example of the first slogan, see this: See

  8. kyp says:

    Chicago’s ignorance of declensions is hardly surprising. I recommend watching the Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Videos on YouTube, where the city motto offered in the second short is “At Least We’re Not Detroit!”

  9. Dr. Boli says:

    Another good Baltimore slogan might be “Only City in America with an NFL Team Named After a Poem.”

  10. Apparently Chicago also gives semi-official status to “Make no small plans”, or “Make big plans” as an alternate wording, which in turn is part of a statement by Daniel Burnham, “Make no small plans, for they have no magic to stir men’s blood”. Apparently they hired Bozar the Clown to consult on straightening out the whole official slogan thing.

  11. Our Township or Borough was thoroughly pleased with our new slogan from Amalgamated: “Exceed with Excess, Pennsylvania!”

  12. Regina Terrae says:

    OK, this is an old post, but I can’t resist contributing — I live in Prince George’s County, MD, whose slogan is “A Livable Community”. For real.

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