In response to Saturday evening’s article by the Rev. Bob-Bob Lee, and in particular in response to the street address at the end of the article, reader Dies Irae writes:
Hey, Virginia ended Lee-Jackson-King Day as early as 2000 (taking effect in 2001, since the holiday being in January snuck in before the legislative session). Now it has King Day on Monday like the rest of the country, and Lee-Jackson Day the Friday before that. See Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-3300. I find it hard to believe Chesapeake, in the heart of the Tidewater and not Coal Country, would retain such a throwback name for a thoroughfare. Now, perhaps if they had renamed the Eastbound lanes King Blvd and Westbound lanes Lee-Jackson…
Indeed, Dr. Boli was very disappointed when Virginia scuttled Lee-Jackson-King Day. It was his second-favorite holiday, after Hitler-Stalin-Churchill Day. There is simply nothing else like it in the calendar. When else is it appropriate for Dr. Boli to fly his special Black Power Edition Commemorative Confederate Battle Flag?
As for the Lee-Jackson-King Boulevard in question, however, Dr. Boli believes that the “Lee” in the name is the Rev. Bob-Bob himself. On the planning map provided by the City of Chesapeake Public Works Department, Division of Public Works, it is marked as a gravel driveway.