anniversary-week-6In celebration of the sixth anniversary of his move to the World-Wide-Web, Dr. Boli is reprinting some of his favorite articles from the past six years.

1. ALWAYS call the fire department first. A fire, no matter how small, may spread out of your control more rapidly than you anticipate. A timely call to the fire department may spare you much disappointment later on in the process.

2. Once you have assured yourself that the fire department is on the way, retrieve the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher from its handy Reddi-Stor wall-mounted storage bracket.

A. First grasp the locking clasp firmly with the left hand, making sure to hold the locking tab between thumb and forefinger.

B. Pull up and to the left.

C. With the right hand, hold down the retainer arm, gripping it at a point approximately two-thirds of its length away from the left-hand end.

D. Grasp the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher firmly in the left hand and pull it straight up. DO NOT release the retainer arm until the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher is completely free of the Reddi-Stor wall-mounted storage bracket.

E. Return the retainer arm to its normal position until such time as it becomes necessary to replace the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher in the Reddi-Stor wall-mounted storage bracket.

3. Hold the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher in an upright position. The words “Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher, Pyro-Mate Corp., Swissvale” should appear right-side-up on the right-hand side of the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher. If the words “Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher, Pyro-Mate Corp., Swissvale” appear on the LEFT-hand side of the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher, then the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher is pointed toward you and will not extinguish the fire.

4. Carefully note the location of the fire. You may find that, by this time, the fire exists in more that one location.

5. Grasp the Insta-Lok locking pin firmly with the right hand and pull it straight toward you. Retain the Insta-Lok locking pin for future use: it will be necessary when returning the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher to its Reddi-Stor wall-mounted storage bracket.

6. Turn the arming lever approximately 75 degrees counter-clockwise to the “READY” position.

7. Remove the childproof cap from the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher nozzle:

A. While pushing in firmly, squeeze the sides of the cap at the points marked S.

B. Turn the cap counter-clockwise until the triangular arrows on the cap and the body of the nozzle are aligned.

C. Push the cap away from the nozzle with both thumbs, placing one thumb on each side of the triangular arrow on the cap. Retain the cap for future use.

D. Remove the foil seal imprinted “SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION.” If the seal is punctured or missing, DO NOT USE the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher. Return the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher to your Pyro-Mate dealer for a replacement.

8. Place the index finger of one hand firmly on the Power-Jet trigger, using the other hand to support the weight of the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher.

9. By this time the fire department should have arrived and extinguished the fire. Replace the childproof cap on the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher nozzle.

10. Turn the arming lever approximately 75 degrees clockwise to the “NOT READY” position.

11. Carefully replace the Insta-Lok locking pin in its locking position.

12. Replace the Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher on the Reddi-Stor wall-mounted storage bracket, reversing steps A through D in section 2.

13. Since the seal is now broken on the nozzle of your Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher, contact your Pyro-Mate dealer immediately to order a new Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher.


  1. Clay Potts says:

    Special Sixth Anniversary Offer: Introducing the Pyro-Mate Wonder Sub-compact Midget Automobile Fire Extinguisher for your automobile! Smaller than the original Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher, and designed to install snugly out of the way under the hood of your car using the Reddi-Stor firewall-mounted storage bracket, you can now drive your car with the same sense of fire-protection security and peace of mind that permits you to sleep so soundly at home!*

    In case of engine fire, simply follow the same simple 13 steps as your Pyro-Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher, while observing a few additional precautions adapted specifically to mobile firefighting:

    Step 1-a: It is recommended you do not attempt to phone the fire department while driving at a high-rate of speed. Whenever possible, always pull safely to the shoulder of the road and come to a complete stop prior to dialing your phone.**

    Step 1-b: Once you have phoned the fire department, turn off your engine, release your interior hood latch lever if so equipped and step out and away from your burning car, taking special care not to step into the path of passing vehicles.

    Step 1-c: Safety First, Always set-up road flares, (Pyro-mate Wonder Road Flares are available for purchase separately), to alert approaching motorists of your disabled vehicle. After dark, this step may be omitted as the flames from your fully engulfed engine compartment should provide adequate illumination to alert motorists.

    Step 1-d: You are now ready to raise your hood before proceeding to Step 2 of your instructions. Extreme care must be exercised when attempting to open a hood covering a burning engine compartment, as hood will be Very Hot!!! If you do not feel comfortable or capable of completing Step 1-d on your own, the manufacturer recommends waiting for the fire department to arrive to assist you.

    Note: The Manufacturer recommends replacing your Pyro-Mate Wonder Sub-compact Midget Automobile Fire Extinguisher after every car fire and failure to do so may void the manufacturer’s warranty.

    *Manufacturer does not recommend sound sleeping during the operation of a motor vehicle.

    **consult your individual state’s motor vehicle laws regarding cell phone usage in motor vehicles. Void this step where prohibited.

  2. Bob says:

    Simply brilliant.

    Bob Pegritz
    Pyro Mate Wonder Midget Home & Office Fire Extinguisher Sales Department
    Blaw Nox, PA

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