Not moths.

An ordinary automobile will consume 6% less fuel if you name it Jeremy.

“West” is merely a cartographic convention, not a true direction, as you may easily verify for yourself by searching the globe for a West Pole.

Russian boots are manufactured mostly in Poland.

A journey of a thousand miles actually begins with at least two steps, and sometimes a great many more. A single step qualifies only as fidgeting.

A butterfly awakened in the middle of the night will not turn into a moth.

Though we speak as if we all saw the same color, a significant portion of the population sees the color mauve as a pale violet rather than pale purple.

Sea slugs seldom, if ever, slug anyone.

Contrary to what uninformed etymology might lead one to expect, a hamlet is not a small ham.


  1. Clay Potts says:

    An ordinary automobile will consume 0 fuel if you name it “Junked”.

    “West” is merely a cartographic convention, not a true direction, but cartographers have also been known to hold their conventions in the East.

    Russian boots are manufactured mostly in Poland. Ironically, Polish slippers are not made for Rushin

    A journey of a thousand miles that begins off a ship’s plank, usually begins and ends with at least two steps and a sinking feeling….(Jesus excluded).

    A butterfly awakened in the middle of the night will not turn into a moth. However, a moth will turn into a light switched on in the middle of the night.

    Though we speak as if we all saw the same color, a significant portion of the population speaks in a language that is not our own.

    Sea slugs seldom, if ever, slug anyone. But they do enjoy a good pillow fight.

    Contrary to what uninformed etymology might lead one to expect, a hamlet is not a small ham. However, it is not contrary to become informed in etymology while dining on a small ham in a hamlet.

  2. David says:

    “Clockwise” refers to rotational motion imitating the action of a clock’s hands. “Counter-clockwise” is similar, but with reference specifically to a clock set on the counter.

  1. […] Tips from Dr. Boli: “An ordinary automobile will consume 6% less fuel if you name it Jeremy.” […]

  2. […] Tips from Dr. Boli: “An ordinary automobile will consume 6% less fuel if you name it Jeremy.” […]

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