Readers who wish to discover more of the genius of Sir Henry Clinton may find his own narrative of the campaign of 1781 on Google Books:

The Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. relative to his conduct during part of his command of the king’s troops in North America; particularly to that which respects the unfortunate issue of the campaign in 1781. With an appendix containing copies and extracts of those parts of his correspondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, &c., which are referred to therein. Fourth edition [all four in the same year]. London: J. Debrett, 1783. 

This narrative provoked a quick response from a certain interested party:

An Answer to that part of the narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., which relates to the conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, during the campaign in North-America, in the year 1781. By Earl Cornwallis. London: J. Debrett, 1783.

Note that the same publisher brought out both books, which suggests a very entertaining scene in which Cornwallis stormed into his office, possibly with sword drawn, and demanded literary satisfaction.