Annual Christmas Number.

Jolly Old St. Nick.
Chimneys.—Many chimneys fail to meet the more stringent OSHA standards for jolly old workplace safety that came into effect in September of 2021. If you did not receive any gifts this year, you may wish to have your chimney professionally evaluated.
Christmas goose.—In some European countries, the Christmas goose is still a strong tradition. In Belgium, for example, the Christmas goose brings good families a turkey with all the trimmings.
Little Drummer Boy.—In the first draft of this famous carol, the little boy brought a euphonium that went ba rum bum bum-bum.
Reindeer.—Traditionally, if a reindeer sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of Gene Autry (with 30% chance of Burl Ives).
St. Nick.—In many countries of Europe, it is a Christmas Eve tradition for children to reenact the slapping of Arius by St. Nicholas at the Council of Nicaea. The child who has been naughtiest during the previous year is assigned the role of Arius.