Museum of Dead Bonsai. Largest collection of expired bonsai trees in the Northeast.

Five Mile Run Battlefield. Famous site of Black Friday skirmish over limited quantities of forgotten toy in 2021. Interpretive center in former Boston Market at right end of strip mall.

Museum of Rocket Science. More than 8 galleries of hand-lettered equations in elaborate gilt frames. Don’t miss the graffiti in the men’s room on the third floor!

Envelope World. One man’s tribute to a forty-year career in the envelope industry. If his wife is home, just say you’re here about the taxes.

Blandville Public Library. Mrs. Craig, the librarian, gives hourly demonstrations of silent reading.


From an 1884 fire-insurance map of part of downtown Pittsburgh:

The long-gone First United Presbyterian Church (not First Presbyterian—that’s a different church, still going; these were the United Presbyterians) on Seventh Avenue. Note:

1. “Meat storage” in the basement of the church.

2. “Passage under gr’d” to the J. Stevenson & Co. ham house.

Fortunately, some Presbyterians repented of their evil ways and left the First United Presbyterian Ham House, as we can see by the fact that there was a church for reformed Presbyterians just behind First United Presbyterian.


In spite of repeated protests and even threats of legal action, members of the Daughters of the American Revolution were once again refused admission to the Allegheny Brass Band concert at DFIW Braddock Memorial Hall last night. Security guards referred all questions to Mrs. Effingham, President of the Daughters of the French and Indian War, who said in a prepared statement that she didn’t want a bunch of Janey-come-lately riffraff treading mud through her nice hall, and if they don’t like it they can go back where they came from.


Bozar the Clown was arrested again yesterday afternoon, charged with failure to possess a smartphone in a public place. After an hour in the room with the television, Mr. Bozar confessed that he had thrown his smartphone into the Monongahela from the Smithfield Street Bridge, which added two more charges. The magistrate ordered him released on $50 bail on the condition that he would go home and immerse himself in social media on a laptop computer, desktop computer, or tablet until such time as a new smartphone could be procured for him at his own expense. When, however, Mr. Bozar confessed that he did not have any social-media accounts, the release was revoked and four more charges were added.