A typical implementation of the open-concept plan.
Now do “open-plan concept” vs. “open-concept plan.” ASAP, please: we’re renovating.
The main difference between these two terms is that an open-concept plan is a plan for a space built on the open concept, whereas an open-plan concept is a concept of a space built on the open plan. It is thus merely a matter of priority: one comes before the other, and we may confidently leave it to the reader’s intelligence to determine which is which.
But what is the open plan? one might ask, and one would be right to ask. Wikipedia explains,
In residential design, open plan or open concept (the term used mainly in Canada) describes the elimination of barriers such as walls and doors that traditionally separated distinct functional areas, such as combining the kitchen, living room, and dining room into a single great room.
We can see how architecture of this sort might save a great deal of money, and Dr. Boli would encourage you to proceed along these lines. In fact, you should consider the elimination of walls and doors as only the beginning. Clearly, after all, the elimination of walls almost necessitates the elimination of ceilings as well; and since a ceiling is really only the underside of a floor, either actually or in potentio, it follows that floors must be the next to go. Thus the implementation of an open-concept plan, or indeed an open-plan concept, leads inevitably to a return to the state of nature or terrestrial paradise, which is the ultimate goal of all renovation.