Eli “Bonkers” Johnson, the well-known artist and provocateur, is the subject of a new exhibit at the Duck Hollow Museum of Art entitled “Bonkers.” The title, says Mr. Johnson, is reflective of the exhibit’s ambition to cause what he describes as a state of bonkershood in the viewer through the use of the simplest possible forms arranged in exactly the wrong ways. By courtesy of the museum, we are permitted to reproduce some of the works here.

Not Quite Horizontal Line, Almost but Not Quite Centered Vertically.

Not Quite Horizontal Line, Almost but Not Quite Centered Vertically, in Opposite Colors, to Make You Wonder Whether You Saw This Painting Already.

Perfectly Vertically Centered Horizontal Line, Maddeningly Extending Almost but Not Quite All the Way to the Right Edge.

Vertically Centered Horizontal Line—OR IS IT?

Diagonal Line in Exactly the Wrong Place.

Bunch of Lines in the Wrong Colors.