Posts filed under “Young Readers”
Tepid Teddy Tinker
Was a sloppy thinker;
When he guzzled too much wine,
Mixed up Kant and Wittgenstein.
Silly Sally Sturgeon
Took him for a surgeon,
Married him before she knew
He couldn’t tell K. from W.
Now she’s another heavy drinker,
And it’s thanks to Teddy Tinker.
Teddy Tinker, Teddy Tinker,
Wasn’t he an awful stinker?
No. 348.—The Speke’s Pectinator.
No. 61.—The Chipmunk.
Announcer. And now Malt-O-Cod, the only malt food drink flavored with real cod-liver oil, presents…
[Music: Fanfare.]
Announcer. The Adventures of Sir Montague Blastoff, Interplanetary Space Dragoon!
[Music: Theme, in and under for…]
Announcer. As you remember, in last week’s episode, Sir Montague and Colonel Darling were on their way back from performing a routine orbital tuneup on Pluto when they spotted a strange alien ship from a race never encountered before by human beings.
[Music: Fade.]
Sir M. I say, Colonel, what can your panel full of glowing rectangles tell us about their ship?
Col. D. It’s not much of a ship, Monty. It seems to be powered by a very basic thermidorian reactor. And I don’t think it has any weapons, because if it did, this rectangle would be red, and it’s more of a sort of chartreuse color.
Sir M. Then they must be peaceful explorers, which will save a rotten lot of paperwork when we get back to base. See if you can hail them with the universal hailing thingy.
Col. D. Sending standard greeting now. Oh, look, Monty! This rectangle is glowing green! That means they’re responding! Let me see if I can— There! I have the strange extraterrestrial creatures on visual.
Alien voice. Greetings, strange extrafilzippial creatures. We are explorers from the planet Filzip, and we are intensely curious about your planetary system.
Sir M. How delightful! We’ll be more than happy to tell you about the solar system. We’re rather proud of it, if you don’t mind my saying so.
Alien voice. How is your planetary system configured?
Sir M. Well, we’ve got eight planets. Well, nine. Or rather eight. Actually, we’re still having arguments about that, don’t you know. But they’re all lovely places. There’s Mercury—
Col. D. It’s so romantic there! If you stand in the right place, you get a perpetual sunset.
Sir M. And then there’s Venus—
Col. D. I love the saunas!
Sir M. Quite so, though the acid does tend to sting a bit. And then there’s Earth—
Col. D. Earth has the best shopping.
Sir M. Earth is also where the Interplanetary Space Command headquarters is, of course, which I’m sure accounts for some of the shopping.
Col. D. And then there’s Mars. Borrrr-ing.
Sir M. Mars is rather suburban. Everyone tells me it’s a very nice place to live, but not really known for its cultural opportunities. But then Jupiter—
Col. D. Not much there, is there, Monty?
Sir M. True, but the moons are quite trendy. Likewise with Saturn, although Triton is a bit run down these days. Mostly tawdry ten-cents-a-dance ballrooms and that sort of thing.
Col. D. They’re not that tawdry. I mean, not that I’d know, of course, but still…
Sir M. But there’s still quite a bit of undeveloped property on Uranus and Neptune. I understand the land is being sold off in lots at very reasonable prices.
Col. D. Might be a good place to settle down and raise a family, right, Monty? I mean, hypothetically.
Sir M. Yes, quite. Hypothetically. On a purely hypothetical level. —So that’s our solar system, and I hope we’ve given you the information you wanted.
Alien Voice. Thank you very much. You have provided the necessary information for our invasion.
[Music: Stinger.]
Sir M. I say! Invasion?
Alien Voice. Our system has just two cruddy planets, and we’re running out of room. Yours sounds ever so much nicer.
Col. D. But, gosh!
[Music: Theme, in and under for…]
Announcer. Will Sir Montague and Colonel Darling be able to stop the alien invasion they seem to have started? Don’t miss next week’s dialogue-packed episode! Till then, kids, don’t forget to wear down your parents’ resistance. They may think you don’t need more Malt-O-Cod, but you know you can’t let a day go by without the rich, satisfying flavor of real cod-liver oil. Tell them you need a fix now, or you can’t be responsible for your actions. It’s the malt food drink that’s brain food—Malt-O-Cod!
[Music: In full, then out.]
No. 118.—The Gopher.
Announcer. And now Malt-O-Cod, the malt food drink that’s brain food, presents…
(Music: Fanfare.)
Space Chicken. Bwuck-bucbucbuc-buckabucbuck-buckAWP!
Announcer. The adventures of Space Chicken!
(Music: Theme, in and under for…)
Announcer. Yes, it’s Space Chicken, the avian ace whose skill and quick wit are matched only by her sheer stout-hearted pluck!
Space Chicken. BuckAWWWWP!
Announcer. Oh! Sorry. I won’t use that word.
(Music: In full, then fade under…)
Announcer. As you recall from last week’s episode, Space Chicken had been rocketing across the galaxy in her streamlined space racer, the Pullet Bullet, when suddenly her ship was entangled in a strange alien farce field.
Space Chicken. BuckAWWPbucbucbuck!
Announcer. Weird alien beings with green skin and long green robes materialize in the cockpit of the Pullet Bullet.
Space Chicken. Brawwwk!
Alien Being (reverberating voice). Greetings, earth traveler! We are beings from a distant star, and we demand information from you.
Space Chicken. BAWWKbucbucbuck!
Alien Being. No, not the disposition of your earth fleet. We have no interest in military matters. We have been studying your earth philosophy, and we want you to explain to us the difference between the Aristotelian and the Cartesian conception of the self.
Space Chicken. BucBAWWKbucbucbucbuck!
Alien Being. We have brought these persuasion devices to convince you if you are recalcitrant. It would be best to begin at once.
Space Chicken. Bwawwkbucbucbwawwk!
Alien Being. Well, of course, I am familiar with Descartes’ famous dictum. Everyone in the galaxy has heard that one.
Space Chicken. BucbucBAWKbuck!
Alien Being. Well, that’s ridiculous. You can’t just say that Aristotle meant the same thing when he said “I” that Descartes meant. That‘s avoiding the issue.
Space Chicken. BuckaBWAWKbucbucbuc!
Alien Being. Yes, I know, thinking animal. But there must be some substantial difference between them.
Space Chicken. BWAWK! BucbucbucBAWWWK!
Alien Being. Is that so? Well, perhaps you will not be so stubborn when we have applied our persuasion devices.
Space Chicken. BuckAWPbucbucbuc!
Alien Being. Yes, these are aqueous projection units. They emit a broad stream of water which will cause the uncomfortable and unpleasant sensation of being wet.
Space Chicken. BRAWWWWKbucbucbuck!
Alien Being. You still refuse to state the difference between the Cartesian and Aristotelian notions of the self? Then you leave us no alternative.
(Sound: Loud squirting and splashing and flapping.)
Alien Being. Look out! She’s mad as some sort of previously unknown life form that we have no proverbial expression to describe!
Announcer. Will the mysterious aliens survive their encounter with Space Chicken in her wet form? Don’t miss the surprising answer in the next thrilling episode of Space Chicken!
(Music: Theme, in and under for…)
Announcer. Kids, you can travel the length and breadth of the galaxy, but you’ll never find a better malt food drink than Malt-O-Cod. The secret is in the real cod-liver oil that goes into every satisfying glass. Nothing but the cream of the North Atlantic cod fisheries is good enough for Malt-O Cod, now with the official Space Chicken decoder mallet in every specially marked package. It’s the malt food drink that’s brain food—Malt-O-Cod!
(Music: In full, then out.)
Q. What did the cow cop say to the juvenile delinquents?
A. Mooooooooooooooooooooove along there, boys!
Q. How did the dog pirate sail the seven seas?
A. On a barque!
Q. How did the snake photographer judge his exposures?
A. With a hissssssssssssstogram!
Q. How did the alpaca calculate the square root of 137?
A. With a calculator, same as everybody else!
Q. How did Mrs. Owl do her daily cleaning?
A. With a Hoooooooooooooooooooover!
Q. How did the horse vote in borough council?
A. Neigh!
Q. What did the coral say to the sea anemone?
A. Not a whole lot!

No. 3.—The Amusing Pet.
The rattlesnake, he loves to roam And makes a funny noise: Perhaps you ought to bring him home And keep him with your toys.
Announcer. Malt-O-Cod, the delicious and nutritious malt food drink flavored with real cod-liver oil, presents…
(Music: Theme, up and under for…)
Announcer. The Adventures of Backstory Man and Angst Boy!
(Music: In full, then fade to engine revving behind…)
Announcer. Our new story opens with Backstory Man and Angst Boy racing down the boulevard in the Backstorymobile toward a bank robbery in progress, when we hear Angst Boy say…
Angst Boy. I just think it would be easier if you could do some of the driving some of the time, that’s all. It makes me feel like you only value me for my license.
Backstory Man. I have certain reasons for not learning to drive—reasons that I have not hitherto divulged to anyone.
Angst Boy. Gee, it’s not like you to hold back on something like that.
Backstory Man. But now I shall tell you. Back when I was only fifteen years old, my brother Herbie and I used to—
Angst Boy. Oh, look, we’re at the bank already.
(Sound: Brakes squealing.)
Angst Boy. I have an acute and depressing feeling of apprehension about this bank robbery.
Backstory Man. It will pass with time. Meanwhile, let us walk the five steps it will take us to get inside the bank, which is a considerably shorter distance than I walked when I was picking grapes in the Pays d’Oc at the winery of an Italian mobster who was a complete teetotaler.
(Sound: A few footsteps.)
Angst Boy. As I thought. There’s a guy robbing the bank by pointing his iPhone at the teller. Sometimes I think I was born into the stupid part of the multiverse by mistake.
Backstory Man. Stop, villain! Put down that phone and tell me who you are and what you are doing here.
The Thief. They call me… “The Thief.”
Angst Boy. The…Thief?
The Thief. Because I take stuff.
Backstory Man. Well, Mr. Thief, as a duly deputized officer of the law, having been made an honorary sheriff’s deputy at the age of three when my aunt Matilda took me to the City Police Law Enforcement Fun Fair for my birthday, because she couldn’t afford a real present, I am placing you under arrest.
The Thief. Oh, you are, are you?
Backstory Man. But first, in order to establish a certain amount of sympathy for the villain and create a shallow veneer of depth for our story, I will give you an opportunity to tell us your tragic backstory.
The Thief. Tragic backstory?
Angst Boy. Well, of course. Every villain has a tragic backstory. You must have some incident in your past that haunts you and made you into the villain you are today.
The Thief. Oh, yes, mine’s a doozy. I remember it clearly. There was one incident in my childhood that I distinctly recall as the thing that set me off down the path of villainy.
Backstory Man. And what was this tragic turning point in your past?
The Thief. Well, once when I was about five years old, my mother brought home some cookies, and she put them in the cookie jar, but she said I couldn’t have any till after dinner.
Angst Boy. Oh, I know where this is going.
The Thief. So when she left the room, I reached into the cookie jar and took one. And that’s my tragic backstory.
Angst Boy. Well, I guess I didn’t know where this was going.
Backstory Man. But surely there must be more tragedy than that in your story.
The Thief. Don’t you see? I learned from that incident that I could have things I wanted just by taking them! It’s the one thing that made me into the Thief, the man who takes things when he wants them.
Backstory Man. Well, Mr. Thief, I, too, have a tragic backstory, an indelible stain in my memory that accounts for my life of fighting crime, and now you shall hear it. Back when I was only fifteen years old, my brother Herbie and I used to—
The Thief. Look, do you think you could just book me now? I’m supposed to rob the Polithania Savings Bank by two. If I don’t get there in time, they’ll start to wonder what happened to me.
Announcer. Will Backstory Man get to tell the Thief his tragic backstory before the close of next week’s episode? Don’t forget to tune in to next week’s episode to find out!
(Music: Theme, in and under for…)
Announcer. Kids, the fast pace of modern life and the uncertainty of a future that has got darker with every passing year may tempt you to despair. But then there’s Malt-O-Cod. A tall glass of that delicious malt mixed with real cod-liver oil from the cream of the Atlantic cod fisheries will make you feel optimistic for about fifteen minutes. Then you’ll need another fix.
(Music: In full, then out.)